The United Kingdom is one of the favorable and desirable destinations for many from outside the EU looking for a better and promising livelihood. Getting permanent residence UK is a lengthy procedure, taking about 5 years and highly depending on which route you have taken to settlement.

What is Permanent Residence UK?

Permanent Residence is also acknowledged as ‘Indefinite Leave to Remain’, permanent residence in the UK is an immigration status that is allowed to a person, without Right of Abode. Any person who has this immigration status can reside or work in the UK freely and without any botheration on a permanent basis. The person is not going to have any immigration concerns or restrictions on doing business or working or living in the UK, with no time limits on the stay. Though, the right could lapse if a person spends over 2 years of time outside the UK. In case of any concern, feel free to discuss the requirement with our top-notch solicitors with experience in Immigration.

Eligibility Requirements for PR in UK

  • Residence Period: To apply for PR in the UK, you typically need to have lived in the UK for a specified continuous period. This period may vary depending on the specific immigration category you are applying under, such as work, family, or refugee status. In some cases, you may need to demonstrate a continuous residence of at least five years.
  • Immigration Status: You must have been in the UK legally during the entire qualifying period. This means you should have held a valid visa or leave to remain in the UK without any significant gaps or periods of overstaying.
  • Compliance with Immigration Rules: Throughout your residence in the UK, you must have adhered to the immigration rules and complied with the conditions of your visa or leave to remain.
  • Absences: Depending on your specific immigration category, there may be limitations on the amount and length of time you can spend outside the UK during the qualifying period. Excessive absences from the UK could affect your eligibility for PR.
  • No Criminal Convictions: You should not have any serious criminal convictions, and you should be considered of good character. Certain criminal convictions may result in the refusal of your PR application.
  • Proof of Knowledge of Language and Life in the UK: You may be required to demonstrate your knowledge of the English language and your understanding of life in the UK by passing a language test and a life in the UK test.
  • Financial Requirements: Depending on your visa category and circumstances, you might need to meet certain financial requirements. For instance, if you are applying as a spouse or partner of a British citizen or settled person, you may need to meet minimum income and financial support requirements.
  • Family Ties: If you are applying for PR as a family member of a British citizen or settled person, you will need to provide evidence of your relationship and your family member's status.
  • Continuous Residence: You should not have spent excessive periods of time outside the UK during your qualifying period. Some visa categories, such as the "Long Residence" route, may have strict continuous residence requirements.
  • Age: Age requirements may apply in certain categories, such as dependent children applying for PR.

Firstly, to apply for PR in the United Kingdom, you have to spend a specified amount of time living and working in the country, which depends solely on your visa:

Why choose us?

  • Expert Knowledge: Our immigration experts stay abreast of the latest UK immigration policies and regulations, ensuring precise and current guidance.
  • Tailored Solutions: Recognizing the uniqueness of each applicant, we customize our strategies to match your specific needs and aspirations.
  • Timely Success: We streamline your application process, minimizing delays and optimizing your chances of success. Timeliness is our hallmark.
  • Comprehensive Support: From initial assessment to post-landing assistance, we provide comprehensive guidance, standing by your side at every stage.
  • Client-Centric Focus: Your success is our ultimate goal. We prioritize your satisfaction and tirelessly work to achieve the best outcomes for you.